These #photographs are CADT Photography's Cityscapes of Edinburgh in April - May 2004. The images range from the Ocean Terminal to the famous Royal Mile and the famous Broughton St Dining precinct.
The photographs include some "happy snaps" of People who we knew in Edinburgh including Douglas Hall and Craig and Alex, who we thank for their most excellent walking, dining and drinking tour through the London Rd Gardens.
We would like to thank an Englishman in Edinburgh, Michael Mather, who was very kind & generously helped James with a place to stay the night before a long train trip to Exeter! We only wish our archives had a better photograph to say thanks with!
Above and Below: These images were from a City walking tour with Craig and Alex that included the London Road Gardens in Bloom on Easter Monday on 12 April 2004.
Above and Below: These Photographs are a Part Two of the Royal Mile Cityscape from Gargoyles to Bishop Statues. To see the images from James' First Visit to the Royal Mile go here!
Above and Below: These photographs are streetscapes from the Broughton Street precinct which was close to where James' CELTA Course Accomodation was located.
Above and Below: The Ocean Terminal in Leith is the Home to the Britannia and in 2004 there was a thriving art scene with cafes and galleries.
The Galleries, Above, contain are previously unpublished curated camera proofs for narrative context.
Keep Smiling and Thank you for your Visit! Please Buy us a Coffee to Support our Community Work or Contact Us to Arrange to purchase a Print Sized Image.