Basil Paterson CELTA Course 2004

Basil Paterson CELTA Course 2004

These are James' personal #photographs from Basil Paterson College's CELTA Course from the 17th - 28th May 2004.

Above: This was James' boozy "graduation" dinner. Jeremy Elrick and Charlotte are on the Left and we would just like to say that it helps if photographs are labeled which is a recurring problem on this archive editing business!

We do know that in the middle is Dierdre MacDonald, who was good enough to loan James her little Yellow Car for his Highland Tour and it was thanks to Dierdre that we went to Lewis and captured the amazing Calanais Standing Stones images that you will see on this website.

Above: These are the "proof of life" unpublished camera proofs from the very dark restaurant!

Below: The photograph above was taken by Jackie from Stirling who was clearly one of the few people who James trusted to handle his Camera given she took the photograph at the top of the page. We can say that James next caught up with Jackie and her BF in Stirling and this photograph is of Jackie playing tour guide. Thanks indeed Jackie! 

and Below James' Certificate from Basil Paterson College.

James went on to complete the Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at the English Language Academy at the University on Auckland in 2004 followed up by work as an English Teacher in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, Australia.

Please note, If you cough up the cash then James will consider dusting off the English Books!

Above and Below: These are photographs from Edinburgh featuring images of the College Accomodation and the final batch of photos from the lovely Dierdre's borrowed City Mansion!

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