These are #photographs from The Indian Pacific Train from Perth to Sydney in November 2003.
This was a very memorable experience indeed. The train trip takes 5 days and provides a view of the remarkable desert. Stopping at Cook in South Australia allows passengers to stand out in the desert and experience the life that exists in spite of the lack of trees.
James took a sleeper cabin in the middle class of travel. Sitting up in 3rd class would not be fun, however, Sadly, by the end of 5 days the shared bathrooms were in a terrible state of uncleanliness so bear that in mind if you love clean showers and toilets!
James also took his little blue car on the train with him and this was very useful at the end of the journey. That car was a great car indeed and James is very grateful for it's service. The Daewoo got us out of more than a few scrapes and it drove across the nullabor more than once and between Sydney and Melbourne like a trooper!
The Galleries, Above, contain the curated camera proofs for narrative context. We've included some of the spectacular sunsets and landscapes taken through the window of a moving train so our readers can get a feel for the countryside.
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