Province of Navarra Spain 2007

Province of Navarra Spain 2007

These #photographs are from the Province of Navarra in Spain on the journey between the City of Bilbao to Sare and the Mountain of La Rhune on the Spanish Border with France in 2007.

A highlight was le Petit Train de la Rhune which is a restored historic train which takes you up to the top of the mountain in beautiful old wooden carriages which provides great views of the scenery. There were lovely old world villages and a church with a wedding.

James was very fortunate to meet Juan and Javier who were having a meal at the same restaurant as him in Bilbao on his first night in the city. We would like to give a huge thanks to Juan and Javier who with their friends organised the drive to La Rhune on pathways off the public transport routes.

The day was very much appreciated and one that James remembers fondly as a big test of his rudimentary Spanish!

The Gallery, Above, contains a selection of curated camera proofs for narrative context and your viewing pleasure.

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